Hearing Protection

Preventing Hearing Loss

What is Hearing Protection?

Hearing protection simply means ways to prevent noise-induced hearing loss (NIHL) by reducing the impact of environmental noise. The most common forms of hearing protection are ear plugs or earmuffs. These work by reducing sound entering your ear and protecting your inner ear.

Ear plugs are inserted into your ear canal to provide a physical barrier against noise. Earmuffs cover your entire outer ear to reduce sound transmission. At Complete Hearing Solutions we recommend custom-molded earplugs created to fit the unique contours of your ear canal, providing superior comfort and protection. Whatever form of hearing protection you use, ensure it is correctly fitted and worn consistently in noisy environments to prevent hearing loss.

Minimising Exposure to Harmful Noise

Why Hearing Protection is Important

Hearing protection is important in preventing noise-induced hearing loss occuring from prolonged exposure to high decibel (dB) noise levels. Sounds at or above 85 dB can cause permanent damage to the inner ear hair cells, leading to irreversible hearing impairment. Damage gets worse with longer exposure time and increased sound intensity. At Complete Hearing Solutions, we find individuals exposed to such environments without adequate protection often experience a reduction in hearing acuity, potentially accompanied by tinnitus. Hearing tests can identify hearing problems and the need for hearing aids.

Our daily activities and work settings may involve exposure to potentially harmful noise levels. Hearing protection is one of the easiest things you can do to offset these risks if you work in high noise enviroments.

Tips to Protect Your Hearing

Looking after your hearing starts with simple choices.

Types of Hearing Protection We Provide

At Complete Hearing Solutions, we provide a comprehensive array of hearing protection tailored to meet different needs and preferences.

How to Choose the Right Hearing Protection for You

Choosing the right hearing protection starts with understanding the specific environments or scenarios where you’ll need protection. Evaluate the noise levels you’re frequently exposed to and consider the duration of exposure. Are you a musician exposed to prolonged loud music, or do you work in an industry with daily heavy machinery noise? Answering these questions is the first step. At Complete Hearing Solutions, our specialists can help you determine the Noise Reduction Rating (NRR) you need.

Hearing protection that isn’t comfortable or a good fit is unlikely to be worn consistently. Complete Hearing Solutions provides personalised fittings for your ears. Another consideration is if you need to communicate regularly in noisy environments, choose hearing protection that enhances speech. Additional features such as water resistance are also worth thinking about. Our clinicians are here to guide you through the selection process, ensuring that your choice in hearing protection fits your lifestyle.

Hearing Protection at work
Custom Ear Plugs for musicians

Hearing Protection for Workplaces

In the workplace, hearing protection is vital for workers in industries experiencing industrial level noise. This could be a circular saw on a building site, or heavy machinery in a manufacturing plant. The intensity and frequency of noise are both factors to consider when choosing hearing protection for workplaces.

Proactive measures, such as regular hearing checks, can encourage hearing safety among employees. For industries where on the job communication is important, there are advanced earmuffs that facilitate clear conversations without sacrificing protection. Complete Hearing Solutions can assist you to protect your hearing at work and choose the right device for your circumstances.

Frequently Asked Questions

Noise levels above 85 decibels (dB) can be harmful to your hearing with prolonged exposure. A normal conversation is typically around 60 dB, while a lawnmower might be around 90 dB. Environments or activities that reach or exceed this threshold, such as concerts, construction sites, or even certain sporting events, require proper hearing protection to prevent potential hearing loss.

Proper fitting hearing protection should comfortably seal the ear canal or encompass the ear. For earplugs, a correct fit means they sit snugly within the ear canal without causing discomfort. You should feel a reduction in noise levels immediately. Earmuffs should fully cover the ear, with a tight enough seal to dampen external noise significantly. If you’re unsure about the fit, our clinicians at Complete Hearing Solutions can help you test different sizes and styles for the best fit.

Yes – modern hearing protection is designed to reduce harmful noise levels while still allowing for necessary sounds like conversations and alarms. Advanced protective devices are equipped with technology that filters out damaging noise frequencies while enhancing speech frequencies.

The lifespan of hearing protection varies depending on the type and frequency of use. Foam ear plugs are often designed for single use, while pre-molded ear plugs can last several months with proper care. Earmuffs generally have a longer lifespan, usually several years if maintained correctly. However, it’s crucial to inspect your hearing protection regularly for any signs of wear and tear, and replace them if you notice any damage, or if the seal is no longer effective. Regular check-ups with Complete Hearing Solutions can ensure your hearing protection remains in top condition.

Contact Complete Hearing Solutions and book your hearing protection appointment today.

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